Monday, June 04, 2007

Bee's/ Wasps nest in our Shed

Found this funny looking item in our shed today. There was life in it (bee or wasp)!


Midget Wrangler said...

Scary, my mate had a nest in his garden and the exterminator guy wouldn't get rid of it until the winter!!! I'm crap with stinging things, sat on a wasp as a child....not good :-{

aquaasho said...

I was more scared of the site of it than I thought (and that was just the photo!). I got stung by a swarm of bees or wasps in Marlay Park as a child and reacted badly to all the stings. Unhappy memories of a hospital visit. I was very accident prone though!

Mick said...

Looks like a wasp nest to me. We had half a dozen of these in our loft. They were the regurgitated remains of my fence. On a quiet summers day you can hear the wasps chewing at my fences from 10 yards away. Just stick a sandwich bag over it and snap it off.

aquaasho said...

Oh Mick that's awful! Gives me the shivers!

Bock the Robber said...

If it's empty, they're gone. they won't come back to it.

aquaasho said...

Bock there was life in it! Gone now though! Thanks for the advice.

The Evernoter said...

I've got a half dozen of these things in my old shed - a legacy from the previous owner. From I'm pretty sure these are old nests for a particular type of wasp. I'd kind of agree with Mick that they're best dealt with when the appear before they can finish making more of the little buggers. However, I'm not sure I could actually do it after my running-through-a-ground-nesting-colony incident as an early teen!



aquaasho said...

Thanks Andy for the advice. Thankfully it and it's contents are gone!