Monday, June 25, 2007

Zoo Day

Day 3,456,674 of miserable, wet weather. The greyness continues. But we got a semi-good day Saturday so we spent it at the zoo with the kids. It was brilliant! All went well and by the end of the day the shyness of the 11 year old had begun to dissipate a little bit. It's lucky I run around so much cos it was my job to stick like glue to the 5 year old who just flitted around everything like a giant blond butterfly! We had a picnic , which was the only time it rained but it was actually ok under a tree! Really! You have to be thankful for the small stuff!
We got home and printed out all the photos we had taken and made a scrap book for them, the 11 year old loved this.
The 5 year was buzzing around the house like a tornado! He loves his room! Thursday night will be their first sleepover which should be fun. They have no school so we will plan something. All suggestions welcome, bearing in mind the little boy won't sit still so a movie is out.

This is my last Monday morning at work. I have some stuff to do but can't get motivated cos I know I'm leaving. I better go do something besides blogging!

Funny things the 5 year old has said so far: "Where did you buy your hair?" He said this to Grace whose hair is so beautiful people think it's extensions, I guess he does too.


Mick said...

Sounds like you had a really good day. One for the mental scrapbook. You'll remember this day forever.

On my run yesterday I passed the offices of . While they are focussed on the UK there may be some hints and tips that might be useful.

You could take them swimming on Thursday.

You should get the 5 year old signed up to the running club asap. He sounds like me at that age: silver blond hair, can't sit still and always asking questions.

aquaasho said...

Yes Mick that's him exactly! I will definitely be chasing him up mountains just to knacker him out, he has come to the right house! The girl is interested in running too so at least we can get out and about and be active! Grace never had any interest in it.

I will check out that link Mick, thanks.

Itsnopicknick said...

Grace is lucky - no-one asks if my fuzz is bought. The 5 year old is going to keep you on your toes is my educated guess! It sounds like a good parent/kid match though so you guys will be fine.

Enjoy your very last day, it's new chapter time...

aquaasho said...

Hi Spoon, yeah new chapter alright. Feels like it took a long time to get here. If only the weather was better here I'd be looking forward to finishing work so much more!
And yes Grace didn't get her good hair genes from me I can tell ya!

Midget Wrangler said...

I love the zoo, we had a family mitch day on Friday and went in the terrible rain, got soaked, it was great! Something physical sounds like what you need on Friday! Swimming? The NAC? Cos kids are off from friday so everything is gonna get crazy! Sounds like you are really excited, It's a new chapter alright, almost a new book?

aquaasho said...

Hi MW, Yeah everywhere will be packed come Friday! I might stick to a trip to Marlay park, home for lunch then do some activities there. If the weather was good maybe lunch in one of the forests, it's a pity our forest parks aren't nicer isn't it? I might get the 11 year old to help me have a practice with the sponge cakes?

Dan said...

I love zoos. Glad you had excellent weather.

By the way, I've been meaning to ask you -- where did Grace buy her hair? :)

Midget Wrangler said...

what about Airfield? It's fab, gardens with a farm, thay had woolapuluza recently where they sheared the sheep, it's two minutes from dundrum, so you are close to eddies for a chicken burger and a cookies and cream ice cream malt!

aquaasho said...

Hey Dan, the hair, of course , is a product of superior-ly excellent genetics! And in Ireland, by "excellent weather" even in June, we mean it wasn't arctic cold and snowing hailstones.

MW Airfield is an excellent idea! I swear it wasn't the proximity to Eddie's that sold it to me, I swear.....really.