Friday, July 20, 2007

I'm back in Dublin for a couple of days and it's so miserable and wet here. I took the covers off the deck furniture yesterday and it has rained and rained (except for about 2 hours yesterday evening).

The kids are settling in great. We've done lots, been to the beach lots, been to forest parks, been fishing, been cycling, playing Buzz, all fun stuff! They had a traumatic day yesterday seeing their mum for the first time in months and the 11 year old girl was upset. We were going out last night to celebrate the Wicklow Round success so I was a bit worried leaving them. It worked out really well though cos I got my niece over who managed to give them a great evening making their own pizzas and playing games and they had much more fun than if I had stayed at home. It was great to come home and see a big smile on the girl's face. The 5 year old boy was fast asleep, happy as Larry.

Like I said we went out for a meal to celebrate Tony and Gary's run and thank the helpers and all involved. Photos here.
We're back in Dublin because Grace is heading to Killary adventure centre on Sunday for a week.
It's mad being at home all the time. I still haven't got used to not being employed. I think it still feels like I'm on my holidays. I'm sure that in September when they've gone to school I'll feel differently! It has been challenging already. The kids are brilliant, they are so good and happy and no trouble at all. It's just that the things that upset them are bigger than anything kids should have to worry about. I know the 11 year old worries about her mother all the time. We are constantly reassuring her that she has nobody to worry about any more, that her mum is getting help and all the siblings are being looked after. I think she is getting a little happier about this by the day.
If only the rain would stop and we could get out and od more stuff!!!!! Being indoors baking cakes is no fun for the 5 year old, he just wants to cycle all day long and play on his big tractor! It's mad having a boy!


fatmammycat said...

Poor girl, 11 is such an awkward age too, still a baby, but yet not. You're doing great.

aquaasho said...

Cheers FMC. She is getting happier by the day thankfully.

robinb said...

lol - you even got the time with those 2 to do a post on Friday! I'm impressed!

aquaasho said...

Hi Robin, it wasn't a great post but while I was back in Dublin I thought I'd make the effort (over at TGU). I don't get time to catch up on all the running news though.....I'll be away again on Tuesday for a couple of weeks. If I get time I might try store some up.

Dan said...

That 11-year-old is a real sweetie worrying about her mom all the time. I want to give her and her mom a big hug to tide them over until things start looking up.


aquaasho said...

Thanks Dan! She is lovely, and also very quiet. But I notice a change almost daily. She is getting more and more talkative! How was your holidays?

Midget Wrangler said...

gosh ash, you are so strong, It must be difficult to hold it all together? The kids sound great eleven is a difficult age, not a child anymore but not quite an adult either. Boys are great aren't they? It's all football and nervous energy! I'm sure you are fab with them. they are so lucky to have you and your family, and the mum, God bless her, it must be nice for her to see them taken care of. How's the stayin at home going?

aquaasho said...

Hi MW, being at home is great, loving it so far. Baking lots of cakes while it rains and visiting parks when it doesn't! Not much else just yet! Heading to Wexford tomorrow for a couple of weeks. You are heading away Monday? You will have a great time, I'm so jealous!