Sunday, March 16, 2008


I had a look on paper at what I'd been doing lately, training wise, and it looks like a lot when written down. I've probably not taken enough complete rest days recently. I think checking back over my training diary it has only been the last couple of weeks that were too much. Like instead of rest days I would swim or go to the gym or cycle, thinking they don't count as much because I'm not running. I suppose people who know me would say I never miss out on a training session, but for a few months I've been adding in other elements like the gym and not easing up on the running at all. It hasn't showed much in my long runs but when I run with other people or race I've noticed I'm not running as well.

This is all of my own doing. It's not part of any training plan by anybody but me. But really I think I just need a few "easy" days. With the kids being off school this week it'll probably mean an enforced easy week anyway.

I'm probably making much more of this than it actually is. I think that's because you always end up on a bit of a downer when running's not going as well as usual. I'll probably wake up tomorrow and wonder what I was on about...


Journey to a Centum said...

It's hard to accept the fact that you might be overtraining. I think we all reach a point of no or diminishing returns. When have we reached a plateau where we stay for a while, then see improvement, and when have we reached the top rung of the ladder?

A week with the kids will do you and them good! Have fun and enjoy your time with them!

Neal said...

hiya :)
yeah, deciding when you're over-training is always tough. Although, at least you're being honest about it and doing something about it. I've seen enough people plugging away for a long time not willing to accept that they're over-doing it and not getting any benefits from it.
Enjoy a few days of rest, and good luck getting the balance right in the forthcoming weeks!

aquaasho said...

Cheers Eric and Neal. Feeling better already!