Thursday, March 20, 2008


In the spirit of trying to kill time with the kids off school, we've been baking cakes (simnel cake, apparently a traditional Easter cake), shopping for Easter clothes and been to see Horton Hears a Who. Loved it! That Dr. Seuss rhyming stuff is just so clever!

Thanks God they have Easter Camp at their school next week or I'd be driven mental. The days are way too long otherwise.

Three weeks to go till the Rotterdam marathon. At this stage I want it over and done with, it can't happen quick enough. I've done more long runs and trained harder than ever before. I've done lots of marathons but this is meant to be my fast one, so for the first time ever I'll be trying to put myself under some pressure. I'm probably putting myself under pressure just writing this down.....


Thomas said...

I STILL can't quite believe you're not running Connemara. I was SO looking forward trying not to get chicked by you for once...

aquaasho said...

Aw Thomas I'm raging. If it was a week AFTER Rotterdam I'd be there!! I'm gonna miss it! Three years a row, it's my favourite race ever.

John Mc said...

What time are you aiming for ?

aquaasho said...

John I reckon within 3 minutes of 3 hours and I'll be happy.

Journey to a Centum said...

Sending positive+++++++ vibes++++++++ your way for a sub 3 marathon! Get lots of rest the week before and give us some good taper madness stories on your blog! ++++++++++++++++++

aquaasho said...

Aw Eric! That's pressure! Doubt I'll be in any danger of breaking the three. Hoping to start out at sub. 3:10 and get faster!! Thanks for the good vibes!