Thursday, August 30, 2007

His first day!

We're waiting outside! (I moblogged this but it kept saying COULD NOT PUBLISH). Then I get home and find that it has.....Anyway the two of them went off fine and all is good. I was so proud of the two of them, as if they were my own. I now have an hour and a half free that I don't know what to do with. I'm not running today so besides cleaning the oven or the rest of the house, I'm at a loss. This "stay-at-home-mommy" thing hasn't quite kicked in yet! Just kidding, I'm lovin' it!


Mick said...

Bless him. I remember my first day as if it was yesterday (even though it was in 1963 (how scary is that?)).

Ellen said...

Superman bag for the guy with a Supermum!

Is he starting a new school or one he's attended before?

aquaasho said...

Hi Mick, for me it was 1976! Aaarrrgh!

Hi Ellen, it's junior infants for him, first time at any school. For the girl it's new school, new everything. She is adapting very well, everyone seems pleased with her progress so all is good! Wish I was you heading over to the Big Apple although I am heading to Switzerland next week, just like Mick from the previous comment! (We have a mountain marathon to do there!)

Midget Wrangler said...

You are a supermum never stop, I'm sure you have loads going on when the little ones are in school! Dundrum was built for stay at home mums!!

Dan said...

Oh, that's so sweet. Glad everything went off without any hitches. I'm sure you'll find plenty of ways to fill your time!

fatmammycat said...

Aww, glad everything is going great.

aquaasho said...

Cheers and thanks to you guys!