Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Since I last posted, in our household, there has been 4 birthdays, a Christmas, a New Year and a trip to Disneyland Paris. All has gone well so can't complain. Well aside from the stomach bugs and colds.....and that was just me.
So the focus now is on the Rotterdam marathon in April. I have to knuckle down now to some serious training and stop eating so much rubbish (which is compulsory at Christmas). Im back in the Gym regularly and took my first swimming lesson today. I swim like a person who's panicking. Panicking or drowning. Each time I put my head in the water I flail around like a complete lunatic. I thought swimming was a graceful sport, all muscles and smooth moves. Not in my case obviously.
I'll miss my second lesson as I'm off to France on Friday for our annual trip to the Snow Race. I'll be blogging next week about waste deep snow during the race and my success on the piste (my skiing is comparable to my swimming so that was a joke.....


Ellen said...

Oh you'll be graceful as a swan in no time ;) Have a wonderful trip. How exciting;)

markmc said...

It'll be interesting to hear how you get on with the swimming - I've lost all swimming technique since I was younger and sometimes wonder how much effort it would take to get it back. Good Luck! :-)

aquaasho said...

Thanks Ellen and Mark!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Aisling, good to see you blogging again! Haha, your swimming technique sounds just like mine.

Journey to a Centum said...

We both have the same swimming gene. When I hit the pool the lifeguards take an active interest. I think thrashing on the surface better describes my abilities on water. I participated in one tri-sprint and found out that in open water with no lines painted on the bottom I swim in a 40 foot diameter anti-clockwise circle. I hope the lessons help. I wish I could have had a video made of my swimming style. I think it would help to compare a person swimming with good form and my thrash method.

Have fun in France. We are planning a trip in 2009 with some friends that will include Iceland Marathon, and then France.

Happy New Year!

Midget Wrangler said...

I am the exact same....I have considered getting swimming lessons, but I don't know if that would help. My problem is fat floats.....so I am extremely boyant! Good Luck in France, Hope you'll be in Dublin though for the Blog awards, good night and my birthday!!!

Great to have you posting again!

Jo said...

Hee, bouyant is good, MW! I couldn't run for a bus but I've always been a natural swimmer - you can see what it's done to my shoulders, nadmy back is twi inches wider than my front, as it were. Wahey, just what every girl wants!

I think you need to spend some time just practising blowing bubbles. Really, even in the bath :)

Sorry I haven't been around sooner, I don't know why not..

aquaasho said...

Thanks you lot for the encouragement!

Journey to a Centum said...

Great work to both you and Eugene (top 20) at the Snow Race! Looks like a fun event. I could not tell how you did overall for the womens division. Looks like you were up toward the front!


aquaasho said...

Thanks Eric I won the women's and got a nice Garmin and a cute little trophy for my troubles. You will love France when you travel over, it's just glorious mountains and the most incredible place to run. I like the sound of the Iceland marathn!

fatmammycat said...

Congratulations! You and Finn are such bloomin' inspirations.

Anonymous said...

and to find easily the swimming pool : dublin swimming pool